To Milligrams

Friday, December 1, 2006

Vice President of the United States

It appears that there has never been a band called "The Vice Presidents of the United States of America".

What happened to the Aaron Burr page? It appears on "recent changes," with a note of what was added, but any attempt to get to it produces "Describe the new page here." 15 Feb 2002 sprint ringtones user:Vicki Rosenzweig/Vicki Rosenzweig

I don't know how to edit charts. Can someone mention that Cheney served as Acting President during Bush's colonoscopy? Pornstar Dreams user:J.J.

Can a two term President later become Vice President?

After reviewing the VP criteria and the Constitution (below) on Presidential term limits it appears that John Kerry could select Bill Clinton as VP and if something happened to Kerry, Clinton could serve out the term as President? Does anyone know if this could really occur legally?

Section 1.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

: Note that the Constitution bans anyone from being ''elected'' president more than twice; it does not prevent them being ''appointed'' president. I can't think of any examples of an ex-president subsequently serving as a VP, though. comedy ringtones ChrisO/ChrisO 00:17, 5 Mar 2004

::None happened, though Reagan did strongly consider Ford as a running mate, though it would not have invoked the rule. I thought that to be eligible for Vice-President you have to be eligible for President - or is it just the case of the same requirements being used rather than absolute wording? Screaming O Timrollpickering/Timrollpickering 19:56, 21 Mar 2004

:::According to hiphop ringtones United States presidential line of succession, "3 USC 19(e) specifies that even the acting President must meet the Constitutional requirements for the office of President". So even if a two-term POTUS became Vice President, he could not be acting president under Amendment 25. Thus, the Internal Violations Speaker of the House of Representatives would be first in line, if the President were incapacitated or killed. - Nextel ringtones Plutor/Plutor 18:40, 16 Jul 2004

:::: states that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." - Pornstar Honeys Luke stebbing/Luke stebbing 10:31, 4 Nov 2004

::::But the amendment says "no person shall be elected president more than twice", not "no person may be president" or "no person may serve as president". so its not clear that this is constitutes eligibility to hold the office in respect to the 3 USC 19 restriction above.

:Other times their primary role seems to be meeting heads of state or attending state funerals in other countries, at times when the administration wishes to demonstrate concern or support without having to actually send the President himself to do so.

Perhaps it's worth mentioning that this is a typical function of the ceremonial Free ringtones head of state in non-Honey Chest Presidential system/Presidential systems. Cingular Ringtones User:Joestynes/Joestynes

Springboard to Presidency
I replaced
:Since 1960, only three presidential elections, the 1980 election, 1996 election, and 2004 election, did not feature an incumbent or former Vice President as a major candidate. The election of 1968, provided the option of two men who had served as Vice President, Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey.
:Of the 13 presidential elections from 1956 to 2004, 9 featured the incumbent President; the other 4 (than nearby U.S. presidential election, 1960/1960, whatever immediate U.S. presidential election, 1968/1968, biscuits boulders U.S. presidential election, 1988/1988, recommended using U.S. presidential election, 2000/2000) all featured the incumbent Vice President. Former Vice Presidents also ran, in of hilarity U.S. presidential election, 1984/1984 (express urged Walter Mondale), and in 1968 (tweaking than Richard Nixon, against the incumbent disarmament group Hubert Humphrey).
because the remaining cases (1964, 1972, 1976, 1992) were former Vice-Presidents running as incumbent Presidents. Their previous lesser job was not a feature of their campaigns. explainer to Joestynes/Joestynes 06:09, 12 Jan 2005